Does Your Small Business Need an Accountant?

August 8, 2022

At the onset of your small business, you probably want to handle everything to cut costs. However, your effectiveness reduces when you have many tasks to accomplish without external help. For example, your business finances become more complex as you scale up. Therefore, accounting is one of the areas where you will need to outsource or hire an expert.

Explore when and why your small business would need an accountant.

When Do You Need an Accountant for Your Small Business?

Sometimes, you'll need an accountant for a few hours a week. In such instances, outsourcing makes more economic sense. Examples of situations that call for accounting services include the following.

When Tax Seasons Approach           

Tax errors can cost you a lot of time and money. You would also have to spend considerable time to keep your records in order. Besides, you may miss essential deductions or the latest tax law changes. Conversely, an accountant is well oriented with the details of taxes and will do a perfect job in a shorter time.

When You Scale Up

Your financial transactions increase as your small business expands. As a result, you may not be able to handle all the records. In some cases, you may even forget to update some transactions. In such situations, hire a full-time or part-time accountant. A full-time accountant comes in handy if you cannot get accustomed to the new roles. Otherwise, you may end up with messy or inaccurate records.

During Audits

When you face an audit, the government has experts look into the details of your taxes. Even though you may not notice, minor errors add up over time and could be mistaken for fraud. An accountant helps you put all your taxes in order. If you have any problems, accountants understand how to deal with the IRS and resolve the issue with minimal or no negative impact on your business.

Why Do You Need an Accountant for Your Small Business?

Many benefits lie in store for you when you get professional accounting services. Some reasons you would want an accountant for your small business include the following.

To Get Accurate Forecasts

When you lay out your business plan, you must set realistic goals. Nonetheless, if you have never been in business before, you cannot accurately estimate your business's potential for the next few years. But an accountant who has worked with similar businesses provides accurate insights about cash flow and profit.

To Save Time

Accounting and related tasks can be complex, especially if bookkeeping is not your cup of tea. You'll have to record and analyze many transactions, which requires accuracy. In the end, you will spend a lot of time that you would otherwise spend on tasks that give you a better competitive edge. A professional accountant takes up the active role so that you can free your space for other activities.

To Get Financial Guidance

When you start a small business, you may not be able to make sound financial decisions without expert help. For example, accountants, who have dealt with small businesses before, can guide you based on their prior experience. An accountant eliminates trial and error, which is risky for your business, and provides informed guidance for better financial and business decisions.

To Boost the Chances of Financial Support

You can access different loan and finance options to boost your business. However, you must show your lenders you can manage your finances well. An accountant proves you are serious about your finances. Also, your accountant guides you through the ideal financial support options based on your current situation.

The benefits of professional accounting services for your small business outweigh the costs. Whenever you need an accountant for your business, ensure you work with a reputable company to reap maximum benefits. At Bliss and Skeen, CPAs, we are your number one choice if you want excellent and reliable accounting for your small business.

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